Quick Fashion Haul from Stylo


Hey beauties,

Hope you all are great. I have been sharing my makeup and beauty hauls with you all. Today am doing my first fashion haul post. Few days ago I heard that "Stylo Shoes" is offering upto 51% discount on selected items. So, I decided to pay a visit and get a few things for winters. Let me share what I got in my quick haul.

Fashion Haul

Orange Pumps

Grey Pumps

Mini Three Pocket Leather Bag

So, Here is what I got:
  • A pair or orange pumps (PKR 1020, on sale)
  • A pair of grey pumps (PKR 700, on sale)
  • One small interwoven leather bag with three main pockets (PKR 1350, on sale) 
I always buy huge spacious bags as I love them. But, this time I wanted to choose a small one and picked this. It is a mini bag but in the pic it's looking quite bigger than the actual size. I like this one. The color I chooses is a beige/skin color.  
I prefer pumps in winters for casual use. For uni, shopping and daily routine I can't wear heels at all. Therefore, pumps are a much better and comfy choice for me and I have lots of them. They are much comfortable and you can buy different colors with different dresses. This time I bought one in orange color as it was matching with my dress and one in grey that I can wear anywhere. Look how cute the orange pumps are looking .. :)

That's all for now. Hope u like this haul. Don't forget to leave your comments.

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  1. Nice haul.The red ones are to die for :-)

  2. I love the bag! Can be worn with anything :)

  3. Lovely haul.
    Wanna follow each other? let me know

  4. love orange pumps....followed you back....now keep in touch honey

  5. Hey, I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog here: http://thebeautyfinds.blogspot.com/2013/12/liebster-blog-award.html

    Please check and post on your blog <3 All the best!

  6. lovely haul dear...love those shoes and bag!


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