Press Release: LEISURE CLUB Celebrates 19th Birthday with the 19 Faces of Pakistan Platform
15:34:00With the announcement of their 19th birthday year, Leisure Club launches a first of its kind nationwide search for 19 faces with 19 stories who reflect the essence and ethos of Pakistan.

Omar Zaman, Senior Brand Manager and Managing Trustee of Leisure Club, has this to say on the brand’s 19th Anniversary and the launch of this campaign: “Leisure Club takes pride in the fact that we are Made of Pakistan – everything we do is about Pakistan and its celebration and 19 faces is another manifestation of this philosophy. We welcome anyone who ‘bleeds green’ to come and participate; we hope for everyone to come forth and be counted. The very spirit of this campaign is against favoring anyone due to their gender or socio-economic or political background. We believe that all people of this land have the right to be acknowledged as representatives of it, regardless of their religious background, race or gender. Working the 19 diverse faces and personalities in our campaign with people that are not just from the major cities but from all over Pakistan, encourages Pakistaniat and ownership. Our biggest dream would be for this project to take off and become a recognized platform for the promotion and cultivation of local, homegrown talent within Pakistan and abroad. We want for Pakistanis and the rest of the world to look to this project and start to see Pakistan for the beautiful and enigmatic kaleidoscope of diversity that it truly is. We want our compatriots to know that all we need, to prosper and move forward, is right here in our country.”
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