Tag Post: The Makeup Addiction Tag...!!!


Hey lovelies,

Hope you all are doing great. I love doing Tag Posts and this is my second tag post in a week. This time I am tagged by Bia of The Beauty Finds to do this Makeup Addiction Tag Post. Thanks a lot Bia for nominating me for this fun tag post. Yes the name of this Tag is perfect for makeup addicts like us :D This is such an interesting tag post and I'd love to do it.  :)
The Makeup Addiction Tag
1. What product do you still keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
Without any doubt...my answer would be lipsticks :D Yeah, u see the name of my blog am a lipstickholic and I keep buying more despite having plenty in my collection. I even decide often and tell myself not to buy any more lipsticks as I already have enough and I use few specific shades only but still I can't help it. And yes, am still craving for more... lol

2. What is the one product you can't live without?
That would be foundation even a medium coverage one. Alhamdulilah I don't have serious any marks etc that need to be covered but I still like to achieve that flawless skin look and for that foundation is a must.

3. What is your favorite makeup brand?
O boy that's a tough one. Well my favorite brand...ummm well currently in drugstore brands am loving Makeup Revolution. All the products that I have tried from MUR have impressed me. In high end brands, I would chose Tarte as I have recently got some tarte stuff and its ah-mazingggg.

4. How big is your makeup collection?
"Coughs Coughs" I would say ask my Mom about it...lol. But well to be honest my makeup collection isn't very huge. Alhamdulilah I have more than enough things in my collection but still it ain't big enough to be called a COLLECTION. I usually buy and keep stuff that I will really actually be using. So my makeup collection is small and humble. Still its the biggest among my friends and they thing am a true makeup hoarder :P

5. How do you like to store your makeup products?
I am very organized and I like to keep my makeup products very organized. I have a small acrylic organizer and few other organizers too to store things like mascaras and lip & eye pencils. I keep the foundations that I am currently using and my moisturizers and cleansers on top of my dressers. Then in one makeup drawer I have the lipsticks, blushers and highlighters that I use often. In other drawer, I keep my makeup brushes and those products that I don't use often. So basically my 2 makeup drawers are very organized and clean. Then there are 2 big cabinets in which I store my hair styling tools some newly purchased skincare goodies and the stuff that I rarely use or don't use at all.
Sneak Peek into my drawers and some of my makeup collection
6. How many makeup items have you got in your handbag at the moment?
Not a lot. I have lipstick, a face powder compact, a gloss and I think a liner too. Other than that I always carry a small hair brush and a mirror too. That' all. I think that's not a lot...lol

7. If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?
My answer to this one would be similar to Bia's. Christine from Temptalia was the first blogger that I started following and I really admire her collection.
From Pakistani co-bloggers, that would be you BIA. Not that I actually would do it lol but she has a lovely collection of blushers and lipsticks MashAllah :)

8. How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use in it?
Thanks to my university life my routine makeup just takes 10 minutes. I use a light foundation, concealer, a lipstick and a blusher and eye liner (I skip eyeliner and blusher often for going out or for routine makeup)

9. Have you ever brought makeup knowing you wouldn't use it?
Well honestly speaking, I used to buy a lot of stuff that I knew I won't be using and I still do especially lipsticks and blushers. But somehow, now I have learned to control my cravings and I try to spend wisely, spend in quality brands and try to buy only those things that I know I will actually be using. Still trying though :D Wish me luck :)

So that's all. Thank you soooooooooo much Bia for this tag. I really enjoyed answering all these questions.

Now am tagging the following bloggers to do this tag:

Jadirah Sarmad from Jasmine Catches Butterfly
Madeeha of Khaista Blogs
Momina Haseeb of Divine Smudge
Maila Khan of All Things Girlish

And yes all makeup addicts, who love makeup can do this tag. I would be waiting for your post lovelies.

Did you enjoy reading the answers..??? Don't forget to leave your comment :)

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Show your love and join "The Lipstickholic" on Facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin too... !!!

The Lipstickholic 

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  1. Interesting post and lovely answers. Temptalia was the first blog i started following as well :)

  2. Gift me the stuff that you don't use!! :3 Hehehe!!

    1. Lol now I don't really have anything that I don't use ;) hehheehe

  3. It's hard not to spill my own answers after reading yours, but I better wait as I have been now tagged twice to do this! :D Thanks! ;) x

    (Oh and I am not leaving my link today! Giving up on the bad habit of pressing entering before realizing! :P )

    1. Hahhaa will be waiting for ur post am sure you will enjoy answering these questions...Aww and u r such a sweetheart Jadirah, thanks :)

  4. you can never have enough lipstick! NEVER!! :)
    I totally understand! great tag
    Alice|Alice's Beauty Madness

  5. First of all, you are welcome to raid my stash! :-D Secondly, you truly are my twinzy :-P So much similarity, we must be the same person born to follow the same path :-D
    I am loving your answers ^_^ Will keep tagging you in more :-*

    1. Aww thanks a lot sweety. I really feel the same you and you really are my blogging twin :) Much Much love your way <3

  6. Great post lovely, I'm a lipstick addict too!! xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  7. Loved reading your answers :)

  8. I love these types of tags, I'm so nosey haha! My compulsive purchase product is blushers, I just don't seem to be able to help myself...

    Jess xo

    1. hahah yeah my second compulsive purchase is blushers for sure :D Thanks Jess

  9. Interesting answers and wow you really are very organized! :)
    I am finding myself really liking these tag posts! I see myself answering those questions already! :D Thanks for the tag :) xx

    1. Thanks a lot Momina.. Looking forward to read your answers :)

  10. Im not sure there is such as thing as too many lipsticks :) x

  11. Lovely makeup collection - i love this post :)

  12. I focused on.. your pictures lolz sweet answers.... :p

  13. I have gotten my makeup routine down to 10 minutes as well (:

  14. Lipsticks are a love... loved your answers n will try to do this tag asap. I know my virtual blog tour is pending too :p

    1. Yes they are :D Thanks a lot dear..Looking forward to read ur tag posts :)

  15. Great tag might have to do this one, I love lipsticks have more lipsticks then anything else.


    1. Thanks Sophie :) Yes sure, feel free to tag yourself and answer these questions

  16. Loved reading your answers Huda! I like how you have organized your stash, pretty neat! xx

  17. this was fun to read! you are so organised. i have makeup everywhere lol

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks Nicol :)

  18. haha, I have a make up addiction! especially when it comes to lipsticks. Great tag my lovely xxx

  19. Great tag.. and I agree, I think most people familiar with Christine's collection would dive right in! LOL

  20. I like this tag! Might do it myself soon too x

    1. Glad you like it.. great would love to read your answers :)


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